Through her experience acquired by working as a trial judge, as a lawyer at the Bureau de la Sécurité Privée, and as a practicing lawyer, she has contributed, for numerous years, to the growth and development of the legal services offered at Nexus.
She applies her knowledge to the benefit of a diverse clientele who requires assistance with a number of procedures related to immigration law, notably:
- Advice and assistance for Canadian businesses in their goal to find a qualified workforce through international mobility.
- Preparation and representation for work permits and study permits.
- Preparation of sponsorship applications for the spouse and child.
- Preparation of applications for permanent residency, extensions, and reinstatement of status.
- Applications for authorization to return to Canada.
Me Manova also practices in the field of family law (e.g., divorce, child custody, child support) and has developed an expertise in cases that concern both the fields of immigration law and family law, such as sponsorship applications and applications for recognition of foreign divorce judgments.