Our team


Fanny Cumplido

Partner lawyer/president

For eleven years, Me Fanny Cumplido has defended the interests of her clients in the field of immigration law. She has provided her clients with knowledge and experience that have been acquired during her work as a Crown Attorney in Colombia, and as a partner lawyer in the law firm Nexus Services Juridiques.

  • Received a diploma in Law at the University of Cartagena, Colombia, with a specialization in administrative law and criminal law from the Free University of Colombia.
  • Received a diploma in Law from the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada.
  • École du Barreau du Québec.
  • Member of the Barreau du Québec, Canada, since 2010.
  • Member of the Barreau de la Colombie since 1998.
  • Member of the Association Québécoise des Avocats et Avocates en Droit de l’Immigration (AQAADI) since 2010
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With great dedication, attorney Cumplido takes the time to evaluate the strategies and actions to be adopted in light of the specific characteristics of each client.

Attorney Fanny Cumplido specializes in immigration law and particularly in the application of free trade agreements between Canada and several countries, including Colombia. She advises Canadian companies on the various aspects of the international mobility of foreign workers.

Her domains of expertise are the following:

  • Advice and assistance for Canadian businesses to help them meet their goal of finding a qualified workforce through international mobility.
  • Advice and support for Canadian businesses during their process of recruiting foreign workers.
  • Preparation and representation services for work and study permit applications.
  • Represent the clients before the Federal Court and immigration appeal proceedings.
  • Defending of individuals in need of protection in Canada (e.g., asylum an refugee status applications) with extensive experience and knowledge of the particularities in Latin American countries.


Partner lawyer and administrator

Me Teodora Manova is a lawyer with experience in the field of immigration and family law. She is an partner lawyer and administrator of Nexus Legal Services.

  • Received a diploma in Law from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • Received a diploma in Law from the University of Quebec in Montreal.
  • École du Barreau du Québec.

Through her experience acquired by working as a trial judge, as a lawyer at the Bureau de la Sécurité Privée, and as a practicing lawyer, she has contributed, for numerous years, to the growth and development of the legal services offered at Nexus.

She applies her knowledge to the benefit of a diverse clientele who requires assistance with a number of procedures related to immigration law, notably:

  • Advice and assistance for Canadian businesses in their goal to find a qualified workforce through international mobility.
  • Preparation and representation for work permits and study permits.
  • Preparation of sponsorship applications for the spouse and child.
  • Preparation of applications for permanent residency, extensions, and reinstatement of status.
  • Applications for authorization to return to Canada.

Me Manova also practices in the field of family law (e.g., divorce, child custody, child support) and has developed an expertise in cases that concern both the fields of immigration law and family law, such as sponsorship applications and applications for recognition of foreign divorce judgments.

  • Membre du Barreau du Québec, Canada, depuis 2009.
  • Member of the Barreau du Quebec, Canada, since 2009.
  • Membre du Barreau de Sofia, Bulgaria depuis 1996.
  • Member of the Barreau de Sofia, Bulgaria, since 1996.



Me Jing Yi Xu has a passion for immigration law and family law. After having completed her Law internship at Nexus Legal Services in 2019, she has worked as a lawyer in the law firm and has acquired experience in immigration law and family law.

  • École du Barreau du Québec (2018).
  • Received a diploma in Law at the University of Montreal (2017).
  • Received a Diploma of College Studies in Sociology at Cégep Vanier (2014).
  • Member of the Barreau du Québec, Canada, since 2019.
  • Researcher and volunteer at the Center for Research-Action on Race Relations (CRARR).

Despite her young age, she has acquired experience by working with diverse files in immigration law and family law.

  • Applications for asylum and hearings at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB).
  • Appeal for asylum applications at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB).
  • Application for judicial review at the Federal Court.
  • Application for permanent residency of persons in need of protection.
  • Application for permanent residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
  • Application for Canadian citizenship.

Me Xu also practices in the field of family Law (e.g., divorce, parenting time, rights to access, and alimony).




After studying administration in both France and Quebec, Alexis Dumont decided to attend law school in Montréal to help foreigners trying to move to Canada. He chose to complete his Law internship at Nexus in July 2021, under the supervision of Me Fanny Cumplido. Since January 2022, he practises immigration law and likes to work on all types of immigration-related cases (work/study permits, permanent resident status, refugee protection, …)

  • École du Barreau du Québec (2021).
  • Obtained a diploma in Law at the Université du Québec à Montréal (2020).
  • Obtained a certificate in « immigration et relations interethniques » at the Université du Québec à Montréal (2017).
  • Member of the Barreau du Québec, Canada, since 2022.

While studying law, he volunteered for the Mobile Legal Clinique, an organization promoting a better access to justice for the homeless. During his final year, Alexis worked on a case for the Québec Innocence Project.

Prior to his law degree, Me Alexis Dumont also studied immigration and interethnic relations at the Université du Québec à Montréal.



General secretary

A strong sense of organization, professional thoroughness and attention to details are some of Alejandra’s assets. After studying finances and acquiring work experience for major corporations, she started working for Nexus in 2019 and is currently in charge of the internal accounting of the firm.

  • Obtained a certificate in Improvement of the workplace, at the University of Tamaulipas, in Mexico (2012)
  • Obtained a university degree in Accounting and Finances, at the University Anahuac, in Mexico (2011)
julia nexus


Administrative assistant

With over fifteen years of experience in administrative and commercial environments, Julia is in charge of welcoming our clients. Efficient, resourceful and with a strong personality, she also ensures the development of the firm’s social media presence.

  • Attestation of Vocational Specialization (AVS) in Secretarial Studies in a Legal Environment, at Collège Supérieur de Montréal (2020)
  • Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) in Secretarial Studies, at Collège Supérieur de Montréal (2020)
  • Obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, at the University Corporation of Meta, in Villavicencio, Colombia (2002)